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General FAQ's

1. Got Toothache ?

Rinse your mouth with warm water, floss to remove food caught between teeth, See your dentist as soon as possible.

2. Cavities ?

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, limit snacks, floss daily, and keep up with your dental appointments, don't let them damage your teeth to an irreversible extent.

3. Cracked Tooth ?

Try to chew on the other side until you see your dentist, you may require crown with or without root canal...see your dentist.

4. Sensitive to Cold ?

Use a desensitizing toothpaste or strip, or a fluoride gel, until you meet your dentist as it could be cavities, worn tooth enamel or fillings, gum disease, fractured teeth, or exposed roots.

5. Gum Problems ?

To avoid gum disease, brush, floss, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash daily, and see your dentist for regular cleanings. Left untreated, it can at some point cause bone loss, and your teeth might shift or become loose.

6. Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth ?

You dentist may guide you better, however stress is one of the causes. Misaligned teeth or sleep issues can also be culprits among adults.

7. Headaches ?

See your physician, and also get dental isues rules out.

8. Cough and cold ?

Avoid contact with sick people and keep yourself hygenically clean, stay hydrated, do excercise, get enough sleep. Don't let it go may be early symptoms of many diseases.

9. Common fever ?

Usually indicates some infectious...may be viral or bacterial...seeing your physician will be helpful.

10. Loose motions ?

Infrequent cases of loose stools do not typically require medical treatment. However, multiple cases of loose stools can cause dehydration and malnutrition. Take foods which are high in fibre, stay hydrated,use probiotics.

11. Do I need to arrive early on my 1st visit ?

Yes...please arrive 10-15 min early to fill up patient information and consent forms.

12. What if I require premedication ?

We will help you with that,in case required... or if unsure do call us before your appointment.

13. What do I need to bring on my visit ?

Please bring your personal identification proof, old treatment records,X rays and medication ,if taken.

13. What are early signs of dental disease ?

It usually may be very small like black spot on tooth, food lodgement, sensitivity or pain...if ignored may result in severe tooth ache , swelling or tooth loss.